UX Vision: Manuscript Flagging and Reporting

Investigative Review Data Intake: KDP Customer

Product Overview

  • Providing solutions and a workflow to enable authors to better flag their published manuscripts for abuse and equip them to report instances of fraud.

  • Creating a workflow to use data identifying fraud and abuse to improve the ML on the new Content Review Moderation Platform: to quickly identify areas in need of human review, to aggregate data to identify patterns across accounts, and to expand image fingerprinting of KDP.

Why would we want Authors to map out areas of their manuscripts for review?

  • Authors can gain trust and build brand loyalty knowing their content and income are protected on Amazon’s storefront
  • Better customer support and service. Transparency for users on the stages and results of the investigation and appeals process
  • Building speed and efficiency within the workflow of the new Content Review Moderation Platform tool integration will help quickly create facts-based and researched decisions reducing harm and improving the caseload of human-centered reviews
  • Collecting this data will help inform the automated process and data science collection, catching abuse and fraud before it is published.
  • Costs and volume of manual review will decrease based on data-driven improvements to drive the new Content Review Moderation Platform automation.

Asking How Might We...

  • How might we better support authors when they find infringement of their work on the KDP marketplace
  • How might we enable indie creators of graphic-based content (e.g, comics, manga) to flag their manuscripts on an image-based viewer at the page level to quickly resolve infringement cases
  • How might we showcase the new Content Review Moderation Platform capabilities for tenant onboarding?
  • How might tenants use and own their tools to integrate into the the new Content Review Moderation Platform Appeals and Investigative Review workflows to report instances of fraud or stolen content from their work?

Design for Reporting Fraud from a Published Manuscript on KDP

Depending on the content type, an Image Manuscript Viewer or a Text-based Reflowable Manuscript Viewer will be made available based on the context of the publication under the dropdown of Manage Title.

A new panel is added to the User's KDP Bookshelf page to introduce the tools, the Investigative Reporting workflow, the process, and Amazon's commitment to copyright and IP protection.

The Manuscript Flagging and Reporting User Journey

Proposed Customer Journey for Authors to report fraud against their own manuscripts

Why would we want Authors to map out areas of their manuscripts for review?

When someone plagiarizes Author's IP and content, it can be a lengthly process to gain Amazon's attention that bad actors have taken their copyrighted content and are marketing and publishing their work as their own. This speeds up the process and feeds the AI to fingerprint images and text to prevent this issue from reoccurring.

authors customer journey

KDP Bookshelf Create

Building on the current Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) Bookshelf, Authors can now create image-based books. They can publish formatted image-based books for graphic novels and digital comics to share with their readers. Once their Graphics eBook is created, Authors can use the newly proposed Content Moderation Reporting tools to identify and report bad actors that have stolen their copyrighted work. Along with the frustration of seeing your work being published by unauthorized parties, this impacts an Author's and Amazon's revenue and reputation.

authors customer journey

Manuscript Library

Authors use the Manuscript Library to manage existing manuscripts. They can edit, delete, and create new manuscripts within the Manuscript Library.

KDP Manuscript Library

KDP Bookshelf: Managing manuscripts and flagging for fraud

Authors use the tools in the Manuscript Library to report fraud and abuse of existing manuscripts. They can edit, delete, and create new manuscripts within the Manuscript Library.

Flagging for fraud and abuse launches the Manuscript viewer, allowing the Author to provide context and mapping where they are Content Risk Mangement Specialists who will take on the role of investigating the review.

Flag for fraud
Flag for fraud

KDP Bookshelf: Manuscript Viewer - Comics - Image-Based Books

Authors use the tools in the Manuscript Library to report fraud and abuse of existing manuscripts. They can edit, delete, and create new manuscripts within the Manuscript Library.

Flagging for fraud and abuse launches the Manuscript viewer, allowing the Author to provide context and mapping where they are Content Risk Mangement Specialists who will take on the role of investigating the review.

KDP Manuscript Library

KDP: Image Manuscript Viewer - Supporting and Fingerprinting Image-Based Books

Authors use the tools in the Image Manuscript Viewer Toolbar to identify areas of content to report fraud and abuse contextually. They can flag, search, comment, select, map text, highlight text and select and map images.

The side panel has tabbed navigation for viewing element types and flagged content. Quick selection boxes and a streamlined UI quicken the reporting while maintaining accuracy. A text field is added to capture the nuance of the fraud. Flagging for fraud and abuse launches the Manuscript viewer, allowing the Author to provide context and mapping where they are Content Risk Mangement Specialists who will take on the role of investigating the review.

KDP Image Manuscript Viewer

Flagging Workflow: Image-mapping and Flagging Image-Based Books for Fraud and Harm

This new tool supports drawing a mapped area for fraud investigations and informing the data science on patterns of fraud and abuse on image-based books

Selecting and mapping the content add valuable data to the ML and AI databases to prevent future cases. Context and reason are to be added to the context for investigative review and to inform the CRM Platform to better prevent copyright infringement and other methods of fraud.

Flagging Image Manuscript Viewer

Reviewing: Image-mapped and Flagged Image-Based Content for Fraud and Harm

The Image Manuscript Viewer shows each page of the publication on the left side, with the selected page highlighted with a solid blue bounding box. The middle section of the Image Manuscript Viewer shows the page comments and any drawn areas created by the user. The enlarged page viewing area is also scrollable vertically.

The right side of the Image Manuscript Viewer has two panels to add context to the issue and once saved and submitted, generates a report that kicks-off the investigative review.

The Flagged-Content review tab shows all the flagged issues, their cause, and the Reporting Abuse Tracking Details. This includes the tracking ticket id and link to the generated ticket, the status of the ticket, and the context for the investigative review.

Reviewing Image Manuscript Viewer

Adding Context: Partial Image-mapped and Flagged Image-Based Content for Fraud and Harm

Mapping and flagging content on all the pages where fraud has been identified.

Adding context for the Investigative Review is a key step. Often the Author knows best when a small section or a page of their IP has been used fraudulently that can go undetected by Amazon's algorithms. This product gives Author's direct ways to show where, in context, the issues are surfacing.

Mapping Image Manuscript Viewer

Save and Report: Image-mapped and Flagged Image-Based Content for Fraud and Harm

Save and Report. After reviewing the flagged content on the pages where fraud has been detected, the user can use the CTA button save and report to generate a tracking ticket.

An issue tracking link is generated and clickable. It generates a status and beings the process. It reflects the phase of the Investigative Review, so there's transparency and confirmation Amazon is reviewing the issue.

Mapping Image Manuscript Viewer

Saved Report: Image-mapped and Flagged Image-Based Content for Fraud and Harm

Confirmation overlay of the report and a tracking ticket inform the user to track the progress of the fraud and abuse claim.

Issue tracking link is generated and clickable. This takes the user to review the process or phase of the Review.

A link is provided for Amazon's Brand Registry, where the rights owner of a registered trademark can enroll for better protection against fraud and abuse of their work.

A link is provided for a Notice Retraction Form intended for use by intellectual property rights owners and their agents to retract notices of infringement that they previously submitted.

Mapping Image Manuscript Viewer

Reflowable Manuscript Viewer: A New Product to Flag Text-Based Content Published in KDP

A smart, reflowable text manuscript viewer that allows users to load the entire publication to mark each section of text on the page for fraud.

Users can use the toolbar to find, comment, flag content and draw inline on the text will inform the Investigative Review.

Mapping Reflowable Text Manuscript Viewer

Drawing Mapped Areas within the Text to Identify Fraud

Authors can go page by page to mark and comment any areas they've noticed being fraudulently used against their will.

By flagging the reason for the marked areas, this will aid the Investigative Review to confirm and reach a decision more quickly.

Mapping Reflowable Text Manuscript Viewer

Drawing Mapped Areas within the Reflowable Manuscript Viewer

Marking each section of text on the page for fraud by using the Select and Map Text tool within the toolbar. This will also serve as another data point informing the data science on patterns of fraud and abuse.

Users can add context that will inform the Investigative Review by selecting the content and reason. Noting common issues like infringing content and plagiarized content.

Mapping Reflowable Text Manuscript Viewer

Inserting Comments using the Reflowable Manuscript Viewer for Text-Based Content Published in KDP

Users can insert comments inline on the mapped area of infringement for the investigative reviewer to quickly find and resolve the issues.

Along with informing and expediting the Investigative Review, the data collected by the contextual additional information informs the data science and strengthens the fraud platform's algorithms to quickly detect this type of fraud in future submissions.

Mapping Reflowable Text Manuscript Viewer

Mapping Partial Sections within the Reflowable Manuscript Viewer

Large areas of text or short lines within the body of work can easily be reported, even if the plagiarized content is using the content in a new context.

The data collected by the contextual additional information informs the data science and strengthens the fraud platform's algorithms which will also inform the Investigative Review.

Mapping Reflowable Text Manuscript Viewer

Reviewing the Flagged Content with the Publication

Using the panel on the right side and the tab Flagged Content, users can review the document's fraud markup in context, see the issue tracking ticket, the status, and provide context for the investigative review.

Mapping Reflowable Text Manuscript Viewer

Confirmation of Report of Claim of Abuse, Tracking Ticket, and Next Steps

Confirmation overlay of the report and a tracking ticket inform the user to track the progress of the fraud and abuse claim.

Issue tracking link is generated and clickable. This takes the user to review the process or phase of the Review.

A link is provided for Amazon's Brand Registry, where the rights owner of a registered trademark can enroll for better protection against fraud and abuse of their work.

A link is provided for a Notice Retraction Form intended for use by intellectual property rights owners and their agents to retract notices of infringement that they previously submitted.

Mapping Reflowable Text Manuscript Viewer

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